
Sunday, 22 January 2012

Leoville, Saskatchewan

The road by the old Dauvin homestead near Leoville, Saskatchewan. Six of Marius and Agnes Dauvin`s
children would be born here. The family arrived by wagon in 1938 then left in 1950 for British Columbia. a history of Leoville...."After the dust" about the Chalifour family of Leoville in French

The family circa 1944. Marius Louis Dauvin holding Monique, Agnes Marie (nee Roberge) Dauvin holding Gemma.  From left to right are Lionel, Louis and Robert. This was taken at the homestead in Leoville.

The two story part of this building in Leoville was called the `Traveller`s
Hotel in the 1940`s.

This was Paul Poilievre garage and gas station in the 1940's with
the old Post Office across the street.
This building in Leoville housed the post office in the 1940`s.

Taken near Leoville.
``First trip to Leoville in 1938. Lionel was the baby. Notice the beautiful
antique bed. It wasn`t antique then just old.`` wrote mom.
(Dauvin Archive)

On the way to Leoville in 1938.  Dauvin Archive
Dad is standing while mom is holding Lionel in the wagon.

Dad and the children on the farm in Leoville around 1944.
Three more children would be born there.
 Dauvin Archive

Dauvin Archive
Mom and six of her nine children in Leoville around 1944. 

"Old hay mower or "moulin a faucher". We used to have one exactly the same on the farm in Leoville." wrote Robert. Taken at the North Battleford Museum Aug. 1998.

Old combine taken north east of Saskatoon Aug. 1998

"An old water pump used for shallow wells only. In Peterson we used one just
like this one." wrote Robert.taken at the North Battleford Museum Aug. 1998.
Binders at work on the Lockwood Farm, north of Dauphin, Manitoba by Topley in 1906

Men at work in the fields possibly 1930`s or 1940`s. Dad and his four horses worked with these crews who went from farm to farm. This Dauvin family photo is similar to the 'Collections Canada' photo above. Dauvin Archive