
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

La Loche: 61% unemployed

The unemployment rate in La Loche may be as high as 61%.
The unemployment rate in Clearwater River may be as high as 69%.
A paving crew on La Loche Avenue
Rebuilding a collapsed bridge in Turnor Lake.

The La Loche unemployment rate could be as high as 61%.

The 2006 population over 15 years of age in La Loche was 1510.
The labour force was 550  (405 employed and 145 unemployed).
This was a participation rate of 36.4 % (550 divided by 1510) with an employment rate of 26.8 % (405 divided by 1510) and an unemployment rate of 26.4 % (145 divided by 550).

The provincial participation rate was 68.4 %. with an employment rate of 64.6 % and an unemployment rate of 5.6 %.

If La Loche had a participation rate of 68.4 % the labour force would be 1032. (405 employed and 628 unemployed). This would become an unemployment rate of 61 % (628 divided by 1032).

The Clearwater River unemployment rate could be as high as 69%.

The 2006 population over 15 years of age in Clearwater River was 425.
The labour force was 160 (90 employed and 60 unemployed).
This was a participation rate of 37.6% (160 divided by 425) with an employment rate of 21.2 % (90 divided by 425) and an unemployment rate of 37.5% (60 divided by 160).

If Clearwater River had a participation rate of 68.4% the labour force would be 291 (425 times .684) with 90 employed and 201 unemployed. The unemployment rate would then be 69% (201 divided by 291).

Buffalo Narrows has an unemployment rate of 20.2% (participation rate of 68.0%).
La Ronge has an unemployment rate of 8.2% (participation rate of 76.9%).
Ile a la Crosse has an unemployment rate of 12.1% (participation rate of 51.7). 

Canada Census 2006 Community Profiles

Figure showing: Labour force activity Figure
Labour force activity
La Loche, Northern villageSaskatchewan
Total population 15 years and over 661,510720795766,230373,390392,845
In the labour force 67550285265524,305277,680246,620
Employed 68405195215494,900261,355233,545
Unemployed 69145905529,40016,32513,075
Not in the labour force 70960435525241,93095,710146,225
Participation rate 7136.439.633.368.474.462.8
Employment rate 7226.827.127.064.670.059.4
Unemployment rate 7326.431.620.

Figure showing: Labour force activity Figure
Labour force activity
Clearwater River Dene 222, Indian reserveSaskatchewan
Total population 15 years and over 66425215210766,230373,390392,845
In the labour force 671609070524,305277,680246,620
Employed 68904545494,900261,355233,545
Unemployed 6960452029,40016,32513,075
Not in the labour force 70270125145241,93095,710146,225
Participation rate 7137.641.933.368.474.462.8
Employment rate 7221.220.921.464.670.059.4
Unemployment rate 7337.550.

A section of downtown La Loche taken during the Canada Day celebrations of 2008.