
Monday, 7 May 2012

A skate board park for La Loche

Installed a few days ago this skate board park in La Loche is already a  popular place. It's free and roller skates, in-line skates, skate boards and BMX bikes are allowed.

The young boy on the orange BMX bike has just completed a run of the facility. 

The skate board park is located on Marie Street close to the centre of town. 

This area is being developed as a much needed recreation site. Next to the skate park is an outdoor skating rink with a paved surface. Both the skating rink and the skate park are a major investment for the various organizations involved. The skate park is said to have cost $100,000.00.
The La Loche Arena built in 1978 has been well maintained. This photo taken in 2012 shows a hockey game in progress. 
Since 1978 the arena has become part a complex that includes a community hall, the local radio station, activity rooms and office spaces.
Playground facilities like this one at Ducharme School have been installed at several locations in the past few years.