
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Dene Syllabic Prayer Book

Prayers, Catechism, Hymns by Father Penard O.M.I
For the use of the Chipewyan of the Vicariate of Keewatin  
Published by the Cree Journal  Hobbema, Alberta.

A rare 1923 Dene syllabic prayer book found in La Loche is published on the web.

Morning prayer

Little Catechism


View the complete book on this link.........1923 Dene Syllabic Prayer Book

Syllabics: These are pages from a rare 1923 Dene prayer book written by "Rev. Pere Penard O.M.I".
Father Penard who served as the first resident priest of La Loche from 1895 to 1917 also published books in Cree syllabics.
This small book of 128 pages was published in 1923 by the "Imprimerie Du Journal Cris" (The Cree Journal) in Hobbema, Alberta.
 It is about 16.3 by 11.5 centimeters in size. Three steel staples irregularly spaced are used to bind all the pages together. 
There is no protective front or back cover otherwise the book is in good condition and complete.
It was printed in syllabics for use of the "Montagnais" (the
Dene/Chipewyan) of the "Vicariat Apostolique du Keewatin".

.........................................................Dene Prayer Book from "The History of La Loche"

Stanhope Press
The Stanhope Press

This Stanhope Press may have been in Hobbema, Alberta in 1923 and used to publish the Dene syllabic prayer book described above. The press was brought to Canada in the 1870's.
View a history of the Stanhope Press (where this photo was downloaded from) and a history of syllabics on the following link.

"It must be remembered that publishing a book was not a simple process. The type had to be set, the pages printed, folded and sewn in booklets; the binding had to be prepared; the book bound; the margin had to be cut and the pages opened. It was hard work, and took a lot of patience to accomplish these very repetitious tasks."  ....oblates in the west